The Thrive Approach at Woodfield Primary School
At Woodfield Primary School, we use a whole school approach called ‘Thrive’. Thrive supports children with their emotional health, well-being and social skills, all of which are needed for learning to take place.
Thrive is an approach to working with all children. It is based on neurological evidence which addresses brain development so that all children learn to regulate their emotional responses, develop resilience and manage disappointment and frustration. All children (and adults!) need a little emotional support when things are going wrong. Thrive provides a way of understanding and addressing the emotional and social development of all children. It pays specific attention to children as and when they experience interruptions to that development wherever and for whatever reason they arise.
There are four guiding principles of the Thrive Approach:
• Every child is a unique person, constantly developing and leaning in different ways and at different rates, each with his/her own abilities, talents and potential to be fulfilled.
• Children’s healthy development, emotional well-being and learning are crucially dependent upon and promoted through positive relationships.
• Children flourish when they are confident, self-assured, capable and resilient.
• Children thrive in enabling environments, in which their individual development, learning experiences and needs are understood, responded to and supported through strong partnerships with parents/carers.
The Thrive approach begins with a whole class, computerised screening, where teachers answer a series of questions about each child in the class. The computer programme then identifies any children who would benefit from a more detailed assessment, which in turn suggests ideas, activities and strategies to support the individual child. Thrive uses relational, play and arts based activities in one to one, small group and/or whole class groups. You can find out more about Thrive at We will of course let you know of any concerns revealed by the screening and you will be fully consulted and involved in any follow-up activities.
Schools that have introduced Thrive report fewer exclusions, reduced classroom disruption, improved attendance and better educational attainment. Parents report significant improvements in their relationship with their children as well as improved behaviour. The children themselves say that they feel better understood and they get more out of school. They learn to love learning. With the support of Thrive training and Thrive-Online, adults learn how to help children and young people to:
• feel good about themselves
• know that they matter
• become more resilient and resourceful
• have a positive place in society
• form trusting, rewarding relationships
• be creative
• be compassionate and empathetic
• be thoughtful and self-aware
• be productive
• be able to overcome difficulties and setbacks
At Woodfield Primary School we have two ‘lead’ licenced Thrive Practitioners as well as all staff being specifically Thrive trained in order to support with the delivery of the Thrive programme. We have established a purpose built ‘Thrive room’. This well thought out space provides a safe and enabling environment for children to access the resources they may need in order to complete their Thrive action plan(s) alongside a key adult. We do hope that you will wish your child to benefit from this valuable resource, but please feel free to contact Miss Fallon, the school’s Thrive practitioner, if you have any queries.