Our Curriculum Intent
At Woodfield, we define ‘The curriculum’ as the totality of a child’s experience during their time at our school. After an extensive consultation with staff, governors, pupils and parents, our updated research-led Appreciative Inquiry was created, which is based around our wonderful Woodfield tree which grows in the middle of our school. Like a tree, its roots need the basics to flourish and grow, over time developing leaves which reflect all aspects of a child’s development throughout their time in school.
The aim is to ensure that all children are ready to transition to the next phase of their education with not only the right knowledge and skills but having the self-confidence and strategies to be life- long learners and to become positive members of society.
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Please click here to view the curriculum overview in detail.
Curriculum Organisation
We strive to ensure that all children learn and develop key skills alongside knowledge (ensuring that both are intertwined). All subjects, for the relevant year group, use either the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework or the National Curriculum as a basis. Through additional opportunities such as theme days, trips/experiences and visitors, we aim to go beyond that, making learning memorable for all of our children.
Our curriculum is organised into discrete subjects with relevant and meaningful links, carefully considering the locality of where our children live.
- The core subjects aim to provide the key skills our children need to be accomplished learners. We are currently rolling out Pathways to deliver our writing curriculum, a bespoke curriculum for reading and White Rose Maths to deliver the key maths principles.
- The majority of our foundation subjects start with an enquiry question which is revisited at the end of the unit as we believe that this approach will support children’s learning to the long term memory. We aim for all children to work as historians or artists etc. to enthuse and inspire.
- Our newly created Flourish curriculum aims to provide additional sessions to support our children to be life-long learners well after they have left Woodfield.
Our curriculum reflects the differing backgrounds and varying experiences of our children, setting learning in local, national and global contexts wherever possible. It celebrates diversity and is rooted in authenticity to ensure that learning is relevant and purposeful.
Resources and Programmes
More information about each subject can be found on each subject's page. We are constantly reflecting upon our curriculum so, for example, in History, we now use a flow chart sequence to ensure consistency of teaching and learning opportunities.
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Subject Progression
We place a great importance on the sequence of learning. Our subject leaders have carefully designed the progression of knowledge and skills in each of our taught subjects from EYFS through to Year 6. You can find our progression maps on our Curriculum Subject pages.
Subject Leadership
At Woodfield, we believe that strong subject leadership underpins effective curriculum development. As a school, we have a strong curriculum team who provide structure, professional development and peer challenge in a supportive manner to all subject leaders. Our half–termly curriculum team meetings provide the opportunity to share updates, priorities (action plans and monitoring) and future resourcing. Subject leaders, and ultimately class teachers, have a good understanding of the different knowledge types (e.g. disciplinary knowledge) and lenses. They are keen to develop professionally, via staff training or personal CPD, with the aim of best supporting the needs of all of our children in all areas of the curriculum. Regular Quality Assurance opportunities support staff and support our next steps for development. All subject leaders have comprehensive e-portfolios, which they are very proud of. These show the progress of their subject over time.
Additional information
All stakeholders have a full understanding of our curriculum. Following termly professional subject conversations, with all subject co-ordinators, parents are regularly asked for their views on each curriculum area. Governors also visit school regularly, they receive relevant training and are fully supportive of our curriculum.