Online Safety

Woodfield Primary School provides supervised access to the Internet. We believe that the effective use of the internet is worthwhile and is an essential skill for children as they grow up in the modern world. All children are exposed to an e-safety programme throughout their time in school, accessing age-appropriate messages and content that help them: to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. As a member of The Rose Learning Trust, we have implemented the use of the Gooseberry Planet E-Safety platform to support delivery of the currciulum. In addition to this, our school Internet provider operates a filtering system that restricts access to inappropriate materials.


For further information relating to our Online Safety Curriculum please click on the downloadable file at the bottom of the page.

Online Safety Guidance

Trends in technology and social media can be rapid and we aim to keep you well-informed so that you are aware of these. Click the below links and websites to access guidance. If you wish to ask any questions or discuss any concerns you have, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Langton (Online Safety Lead) or Miss Fallon (Designated Safeguarding Lead) via the main office.



For more information on Gooseberry Planet and how it supports our teaching of E-Safety click on the image below.

For more support on online safety for children click on the image bleow to access the Think U Know site.


To report online abuse click on the image below to access the Child Exploitation and Online Protection site.


Files to Download


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