
Subject leads: Rebecca Hanslip (lead) and Janine Scott (deputy lead)

At Woodfield we understand that Science is essential as it enables young people to develop their understanding of scientific concepts and make sense of the world around them. It develops transferable skills including problem-solving, reasoning and enquiry. 

We aim to create opportunities within our science curriculum to inspire and engage our children; encouraging them to be inquisitive about the world, nurturing their innate curiosity and enabling them to develop a range of skills that are useful throughout their learning.

Why do we teach Science?

How do we teach Science?

Teaching our science curriculum in a clear, progressive and sequenced way ensures that our children can deepen and develop their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics​. 


Our curriculum also gives children the opportunity to deepen and develop their understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science, through different types of science enquiries, as we understand the importance of our children being well-equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future​ 

To ensure consistency and clear progression across school, our science curriculum follows the National Curriculum and has been organised so that the topics within the three key disciplines of science (biology, chemistry and physics) are delivered at the same time across year groups, where possible.  


The different units of science have also been carefully sequenced so that they are seasonal and so that knowledge and skills are built upon well across the year. ​ 

The knowledge taught in these areas is also supported by the opportunity to explore and develop different types of scientific enquiry: comparative/fair testing, research, observation over time, pattern-seeking, identifying, grouping and classifying and problem solving. ​ 


Core Curriculum Offer

  • Weekly lessons 

  • White Rose Science 

  • Outdoor learning 

  • Cross-curricular opportunities 

  • Opportunities for investigative science 

  • Visits, visitors, online lessons 

  • After-school STEM club 

  • LYFTA – Virtual trips around the world to explore diverse cultures and meet different people. It sparks inspiration, opens minds and expands horizons. 

  • Key vocabulary for the subject is mapped out across the key stages to ensure progression.

  • Pre teaching of vocabulary supports understanding of topics.


We are learning to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future​.


Links to useful resources: 


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