Learning For Life

Learning for Life

At Woodfield Primary School, we understand learning takes many forms and happens successfully both inside and outside of the classroom.  Through our core values of aspire, engage, create, explore and respect, we aim to support our children to develop a love of learning and key life skills which will enable them to fulfil their potential. 

To support this we operate our Learning for Life system in school. The system is based on a traditional house system with each child being a member of a house throughout their time in school. The children work to earn tokens by showing key learning behaviours in school. Each week the tokens for each house are collected and the house with the most tokens at key points in the year receive a reward. The system not only promotes key learning skills, but also develops a sense of teamwork across all key stages.

Our Learning for Life skills were decided in consultation between staff and children and largely stem from the Characteristics of Effective Learning that our children show so strongly in the Early Years at Woodfield.  Our 4 houses are named after inspirational role models from Yorkshire and were selected by year 6 pupils as people who show the Learning for Life skills we aspire to. To find out who the children have chosen and key skills we aim to develop, click on the image below.





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