Personal Development

At Woodfield, we firmly believe that every child should grow to become strong in body, mind and spirit. We have developed our Personal Development offer to encompass the principles of PSHE, along with the government’s Relationship Education curriculum. We also recognise that every pupil is unique, each coming from different backgrounds with varied experiences and we want to enable all of our children and young people to develop vital skills, knowledge and understanding of how to be confident in who they are, understand the world they are growing up in and how to keep themselves safe in all areas of their world. We believe that we are giving each and every child the best chance for their lives now and what lies ahead. We want every child to leave our school, happy, healthy and ready for the next steps in their lives. 


Personal Development at Woodfield is focussed on developing the whole child in order that they reach their full potential academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. We aim for all pupils to grow into well- educated, respectful, responsible adults who are:

  • Comfortable with who they are and have a deep sense of belonging
  • Respectful of others and see difference as positive and not a threat
  • Able to make a positive contribution to school life, the wider community and society in general
  • Happy, safe, confident and resilient
  • Financially secure
  • Model citizens prepared for life in modern Britain

Woodfield believes in working in partnership with parents and carers so that the child’s physical, moral, mental wellbeing and emotional development can be supported at home.


We take a whole-school approach to the implementation of Personal Development being taught through areas across the curriculum both within units of work and explicitly (PSHE, RSE, Flourish and Thrive). The teaching of personal development will also be embedded in school experiences such as assemblies, extracurricular activities, visiting speakers and school educational visits.


The impact of our Personal Development offer is assessed in several ways including lesson observations, teacher planning and book looks alongside discussion and feedback from children, parents and staff. The teaching and learning will be continually reviewed allowing any changes that need to be made. Achievements in the development of skills and values taught can be celebrated in a number of ways including assemblies, displays and weekly certificates. Parents and carers will be informed of their child’s progress through informal discussions, parents evening and the annual school report.



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