
Subject lead: Keeley Turner (lead) and Michelle Lowry (deputy)

At Woodfield, we enable children to meet their full potential, make progress through their learning journey, increase their cultural capital and develop into well-rounded citizens. We recognise the importance of historical knowledge in every aspect of daily life; preparing children to navigate their future.

Why do we teach History?

How do we teach History?

At Woodfield, we have a clear focus understanding cause and effect, chronology, similarity and difference, change and continuity as well as how to interpret evidence. It is important that children can see how societies and civilizations have evolved and influenced modern day as well as learn lessons from the past.

Children are taught to employ critical thinking and question the validity of sources of information. They will grow their knowledge of the heritage and history of our local area and how that ties in with global events.  

We follow the National Curriculum using a bespoke curriculum offer following industry best practice for teaching History in primary schools, ensuring all children’s needs are met and activities are set at appropriate, yet challenging levels. 

All lessons are based on an enquiry approach using core skills and knowledge. Cross-curricular opportunities are provided to apply this knowledge and skill set in a range of contexts. 

Children are encouraged to be historians and critical thinkers. This includes understanding evidence (including its reliability, bias and usefulness) and how it helps us learn about the past as well as how to make conclusions based on what we know (and sometimes what we don’t know).

We encourage the use of experiences and resources to bring to life the learning at Woodfield such as a visit to the Holocaust Museum in Y6 and a workshop with the National Trust at Sutton Hoo for Y5.


Core Curriculum Offer

  • Years 1, 3, 5 teach History in the first half of every term for one hour per week

  • Years 2, 4, 6 teach History in the second half of every term for one hour per week

  • LYFTA – Virtual trips around the world to explore the history of places and people. It sparks inspiration, opens minds and expands horizons

  • Visits, visitors and online workshops

  • Key vocabulary for the subject is mapped out across the key stages to ensure progression.

  • Pre teaching of vocabulary supports understanding of topics.


We enjoy finding out about why we live the way we do today. 

Links to useful resources:

Historical Association – the UK national charity for history 


KS1 History - BBC Bitesize  KS2 History - BBC Bitesize 

Our History partners

As part of our History curriculum and wider offer we work alongside, and access resources provided by, a range of community partners. This year we will be working with:

  • Historical Association

  • National Trust

  • Doncaster Gallery, Library and Museum

  • Jorvik Viking Centre

  • English Heritage

  • The Holocaust Museum, Newark

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