Subject leads: Claire Kenny

We aim to enable young people to be happy, healthy and productive citizens in every aspect of their lives, by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live successfully in modern Britain. 

Why do we teach PSHE?

How do we teach PSHE?

PSHE at Woodfield Primary School is a comprehensive programme that all children can access.  It ensures that when children leave for the next phase in their lives, they will be able to fully participate in all their communities and do so confidently, productively, kindly, considerately, healthily, happily,  responsibly and safely. 


With relationships at the heart of everything we do at Woodfield, the PSHE curriculum further helps children to recognise what a healthy relationship is, how to promote them and how to challenge/seek help should they encounter negative ones. 

At Woodfield, PSHE is planned as a progressive curriculum, re-visiting and building on the knowledge and skills learnt in previous years.  


Woodfield’s PSHE is delivered through the Jigsaw PSHE scheme as well as our Flourish curriculum and wider opportunities, across the whole school from EYFS to Year 6. The Jigsaw scheme was chosen due to its comprehensive coverage of both statutory and non-statutory areas as well as its accessibility for all pupils.   


Our carefully planned Flourish curriculum and our variety of wider opportunities ensure that all children have opportunities to gain important experiences and life skills and an enhanced PSHE experience.


Core Curriculum Offer

  • Weekly lessons (including an extra lesson of Flourish within the children’s phase) 

  • Cross-curricular and wider opportunities 

  • LYFTA – Virtual trips around the world to explore diverse cultures and meet different people. It sparks inspiration, opens minds and expands horizons. 

  • Key vocabulary for the subject is mapped out across the key stages to ensure progression.

  • Pre teaching of vocabulary supports understanding of topics.


We are learning how to be the best citizens we can be as well as how to thrive in a modern world. 

Links to useful resources: 



A place where we belong and are
inspired to succeed and thrive.

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