Parent Voice

Here at Woodfield we regulary consult with our Parents to ensure that we are working together to make school a positive experience for our children and their families. Throughout a two year cycle of consult, act and respond, these consultations happen in a range of ways including written questionnaires and collective conversations. Feedback from the consultation process and any actions in response to this process are shared with Parents.

Parent Questionnaire 2021-22

In the Autumn term of 2021-22 we asked our parents to complete a questionnaire to help identify ways to further improve our school community. Take a look at a summary below to see some of the responses we received:

parent questionnaire results.PNG


Autumn 2019-2020 Appreciative Inquiry Parent Collective Conversations

As part of our Appreciative Inquiry in the Autumn term, we held Parent Collective Conversations to support our curriculum development. Take a look at the summary below to see some of the responses we received:




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